Yes. We provide world-wide shipping service.
The total waiting time = order processing time + shipping time.
For all orders, typically it takes 3-5 business days to process your order.
Orders ship Monday through Friday excluding Holidays. You will receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking number once the order has shipped from the warehouse. Normally for international shipping, please allow 1-3 weeks shipping days.
Estimated time to deliver your parcel:
Country |
Shipping time (d) |
Avg. transit time (d) |
4-15 |
8 |
Canada |
4-15 |
8 |
United Kingdom |
7-12 |
8 |
Australia |
7-15 |
10 |
New Zealand |
7-15 |
10 |
Germany |
6-15 |
8 |
France |
7-15 |
10 |
Singapore |
7-15 |
10 |
Japan |
4-15 |
6 |
Austria |
7-15 |
10 |
Belgium |
7-15 |
10 |
Switzerland |
7-15 |
10 |
Spain |
7-15 |
10 |
Netherlands |
4-15 |
8 |
Italy |
7-15 |
10 |
Norway |
15-20 |
16 |
Sweden |
15-20 |
16 |
Rest of the world |
15-30 |
20 |
When processing large orders, in order to gurantee the safety of your items, your order is likely to be shipped in seperate parcels.
You will be emailed with tracking numbers to the parcels.
Once your orders shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking number.
You can always follow this link to track your parcel status.
If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].